Featured Products, Sponsored Posts, and Reviews

Sponsored Posts and Featured Products

~Family Fun (Joyful Moments)~
940 Saturdays: Family Activities & a Keepsake Journal
Adventures in Odyssey: The Drop Box
The Brinkman Adventures
Clued in Kids Treasure Hunts
Egglo Entertainment Products
Mail Order Mystery: Treasure Hunt!
Out of the Box Games: Snake Oil
Starter Chess Learning Kit from Chess House 

Stitch Fix: 


~Foreign Languages~
Memoria Press: Prima Latina & Latina Christiana
Middlebury Interactive Languages: French
Spanish for You!: Estaciones


~Homeschool Resources~

Captain Bayley's Heir Jim Hodges Productions (Audio Recording)
Sarah, Plain, and Tall E-Guide by Progeny Press
The Wise Woman with Literary Analysis by Home School Adventure Co. 

3P Learning: Mathletics
A+ Interactive MATH: Fourth Grade & Pre-Algebra
CTCMath & CTCMath Basic Math and Pre-Algebra
Expanders (Game)
GPALOVEMATH (Kindergarten)
Horizons Kindergarten Math Set
Math Rider
Math-U-See Digital Pack: Pre-Algebra
TouchMath (First Grade Curriculum)

Adventus (Piano)
Amazing Science Volume 1
Apologia Educational Ministries: Exploring Creation Field Trip Journal
Apologia Educational Ministries: Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics 
Apologia Educational Ministries: Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day 
Digital Science Online
EdTechLens: Rainforest Journey
Fascinating Chemistry
Fascinating World of Birds (DVD)
Go Science (DVD)
In the Hands of a Child: National Parks
Kiwi Crate: Wonders of Water
Privileged Species (DVD)
Standard Deviants Accelerate
Supercharged Science: eScience: 2013 & 2014
Surfing the Net: Science
The Book of Astronomy {Memoria Press}
Tinker Crate: Rubber Band Glider, Paper CircuitsBiomechanical Hand & Awesome Animation

Phonetic Zoo
Spelling You See: Level D: Americana
Time4Learning (Second Grade)

~Social Studies~
Leadership Legacy: Family Empowerment Tool Kit
Little House on the Prairie: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder (DVD)
Mayan Mysteries
Memoria Press: The Book of the Ancient Romans
Moving Beyond the Page Native Americans & Little House in the Big Woods
New Liberty Videos: Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
NIV First-Century Study Bible
Theo: Teaching Children God's Word - God's Love
Theo: Teaching Children God's Word - God's Truth 

~Writing (& Handwriting)~


Unknown said...

I'm sorry if I'm a little dense and am not seeing it on your site... but how should someone go about contacting you with a review opportunity? I have a music curriculum product you may be interested in trying.

Angela Hoffman

Bethany said...

It's fairly hidden to help prevent spam. :) You can contact us at blessingsoftheheart(at)gmail(dot)com.

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