

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Week 10 on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP): What to eat to support your autoimmune disease! {What I ate}

One important thing I’m learning about the elimination phase of the AIP diet is that it is not meant to be used for eternity. Those with autoimmune diseases are supposed to use the elimination phase to give the body a break from foods that cause inflammation and pain. It is designed to kickstart the process of healing and repairing. Gradually foods are to be reintroduced to see what still causes trouble. This is very individual but can provide clear direction on what may be bothersome. It's even recommended to try those things that cause inflammation or flares later on to see if after more healing you can tolerate them.

pork roast, Lime Pork and Sweet Potato Hash, chocolate pancakes with raspberries, and thai chicken soup

I'm up to week 10 now and still learning more and more about how to eat this way and attempting to accumulate recipes that are AIP that the family enjoys.

Day 63

How I am feeling:  I had some throat burning in the evening. 

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 63:
Lime Pork and Sweet Potato Hash (my recipe, coming soon)

Lime Pork and Sweet Potato Hash

Leftover Lamb Stew from Autoimmune Wellness
That’s It Bar
Snack Mix

Seared Scallops from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook 
Mixed Greens with Strawberry Lime Dressing from The Healing Kitchen
Peach Ice Cream (my recipe)

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. I sat looking out the window, while putting my feet up. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for a warm fire.

Day 64

How I am feeling:  I’m feeling pretty good. I’m not having the pain in my thumbs, wrists, and neck and the lymph node is barely noticeable. I did high impact cardio today.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 64:

Tigernut Oatmeal from the Autoimmune Solution Cookbook

Tigernut Oatmeal with raspberries

Simple Avocado Tuna from The Honest Spoonful 

That’s It Bar
Fluffy AIP Biscuits from Living Lovely Autoimmune

Pork Roast (my recipe)
Fluffy AIP Biscuits from Living Lovely Autoimmune

pork roast with carrots and white sweet potatoes

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for everyone cuddled up working on projects in the same room, just quietly being together.

Day 65

How I am feeling:  My hair has been falling out lately. I did high impact cardio today.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 65:

American Breakfast Sausage from The Healing Kitchen 
Hearty Sweet Potato Hash from The Autoimmune Solution

Turkey (my recipe)
Mashed sweet potatoes
Broccoli (my recipe)
Paleo/AIP Pumpkin Pie from Heal Me Delicious
Fluffy AIP Biscuits from Living Lovely Autoimmune
Mixed salad greens with Strawberry Lime Dressing from The Healing Kitchen

no bake filling pumpkin pie

AIP Mac and Cheese from Unbound Wellness
Simple Avocado Tuna from The Honest Spoonful with mixed greens
Paleo/AIP Pumpkin Pie from Heal Me Delicious

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for vacation future plans.

Day 66

How I am feeling:  I’m having digestive issues, feeling gassy and bloating. My hair is falling out. I slept well, however. Today was a minimal cues yoga.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 66:

Baked Pancakes from Eat Beautiful with blueberries and blackberries 
Coconut Milk with Protein Powder
Maple Syrup

Mashed sweet potatoes
Mixed green salad
Blueberries, Strawberries, Pineapple, and Grapes 
Paleo/AIP Pumpkin Pie from Heal Me Delicious

Leftover pork roast 
Fluffy AIP Biscuits from Living Lovely Autoimmune

Love Bird Cereal

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for girls growing up and heading out into the world.

Day 67

How I am feeling:  My hair is falling out. I’m still having digestive issues with bloating. I slept well again. Today was high impact cardio.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 67:

Chocolate AIP Pancake Recipe from Sonora in Bold
Raspberry Compote-warmed fresh raspberries over the stove with a dollop of honey
Maple syrup
Paleo protein and coconut milk

carob powder pancake

Creamy Cauliflower Gratin from Heal me Delicious
With Cassava pasta
Paleo/AIP Pumpkin pie from Heal Me Delicious

Glazed and Baked Chicken Wings from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook 
Parsnip Wedges and Garlic “Mayo” Dipping Sauce from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook 
Spinach Artichoke Dip from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook with radish, celery, carrot, cucumber

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for miniature RPG figures.

Day 68

How I am feeling:  I’m having bloating and digestive issues. My lymph node is swollen. I’m maintaining energy though and haven’t been utterly exhausted. I slept well. I did minimal cues yoga today.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 68:

Blueberry Parfait from The Autoimmune Solution with coconut and tiger nuts

Creamy Caesar Beef Skillet from The Healing Kitchen
Paleo/AIP Pumpkin Pie from Heal Me Delicious

Fresh Veggies: cucumber, radish, carrot, celery
Fluffy AIP Biscuits from Living Lovely Autoimmune

Garlic Chicken and Veggies (my recipe, coming soon)

garlic chicken and veggie dinner

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for game night.

Day 69

How I am feeling:  I’m some gassy and have bloating. My hair is falling out. Today I did high impact cardio.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 69:

Mint-Chocolate Chip Smoothie from The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook

Leftover Creamy Cauliflower Gratin from Heal me Delicious
That’s It Bar

Thai Chicken Soup from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook 
Mixed Greens with blueberries
Brownie (my recipe, work in progress)

thai chicken soup

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for doing music together as a family on Sunday mornings.

Day 70

How I am feeling:  Today I did high impact cardio. Everything is mostly the same.

What I ate on AIP elimination phase day 70:

Protein drink

Sweet and Sour Apple and Cranberry Oats

Leftover soup
Brownie (my recipe, a work in progress) with jam 

Snack Mix

Crispy Shrimp from Nourish: The Paleo Healing Cookbook 
Root Vegetables in Garlic Sauce from The Healing Kitchen
Spinach and blueberry salad with Strawberry Lime dressing from The Healing Kitchen

Creating Balance: 
I made the bed and opened the curtains. Relaxation practice.

Today, I’m thankful for the kids’ RPG nights.

So at the end of this 10th week, I'm thinking something I'm eating is still causing some issues. I've been treating SIBO in addition to the AIP diet and the natural treatment I'm using has black walnut in it. I'm almost through taking it and wonder how things will go with the lymph node afterwards and twinges of pain from time to time. Additionally, I'm not sure what is happening with my hair. I haven't had any trouble with my hair falling out for years, even as other things have gotten worse. I'm considering taking organ supplements to see if that improves my hair loss. Not sure if I'm not getting enough calories or I'm missing some nutrient or what is going on.

Have you tried AIP? How’d it go?

Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to offer medical advice. I am not in the medical field. My purpose is to share what decisions I’ve made in an attempt to improve my health and try to put my autoimmune disease into remission. Remember everyone’s body reacts differently to foods and supplements and you have to make the decisions that are best for you. Consult a trusted practitioner for medical advice. Our resource page details the books, articles, journals, and websites we've researched to put together our autoimmune articles. You can access our Autoimmune Research Resources by clicking.  

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