Here are copies of our exams: Example Exams and Daily Schedule
How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions
Year 8, Term 2
Literature, poetry, and additional reading: Mood with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or
art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)
Choose a scene from Shakespeare, your poet, or The Betrothed to
illustrate. Consider how the scene makes you feel, how the characters are affected, how
the characters influence what is happening, and what you would like someone
looking at your work to understand.
Music: composer, folk song, hymn, instrument & Art: artist, technique:
Action (Drama, Movement,
Change) with movement (play, puppet
show, music, dance, video (still, animated, silent, movie)
a piece of music or art from your studies this term. Decide how the piece
changes or shows change, how one part of the piece influences the other, the
relationship between parts, and where is the most important part. Create
something to demonstrate your knowledge.
Bible & Service: readings, hymn: Background with oral expression
(presentation: Defend,
Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)
Present three
logical reasons showing the validity of Christianity. Think about influences,
relationships, and consequences.
SS: government, citizenship, history, geography: Characterization with written expression (narration, proposal, biography, persuade,
problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry, composition)
Write a
biography on the life of Sir Walter
Raleigh, King Charles, Cromwell, or Kepler or write about the people that went
on the Mayflower that settled at Plymouth plantation. Be sure to include
information about them: What do they think? How do they feel? How do
they react or act in certain situations or with others? How do they influence
the people around them? How did they influence others?
What is unique about the individual?
experiments, nature study: The
Greater Meaning with visual expression (diagrams,
blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, poster, pamphlet)
Using some type of visual from the above list use your all of your science
studies from this term (Microscopic studies, astronomy, plants, pond, insects)
to answer the following questions: what is necessary to support the subject,
what influence does the subject have on things around it, what does the subject
support, what do observations of it teach you, how do we rely on it, and what would the
consequences be if it suddenly became extinct?
SS: government, citizenship, history, geography: Viewpoint with analytical expression
(game, puzzle,
crossword, word search, code)
We have been
reading Whatever Happened to Justice and Utopia. Both authors (Richard Maybury
and Sir Thomas More) have very strong opinions on democracy, liberty, and
government. Not everyone would necessarily agree with their thoughts, although
some of them seem to be rather common sense, others may seem more farfetched.
It is good to consider who is telling a story when you are reading it. Find a
way to demonstrate if they are reliable, can they be
trusted, what may they be holding back, and why should we or shouldn’t we see
and feel things the same way.
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