We have been reviewing several books in the series If you were me and Lived in... Brought to you by Carole P. Roman and Awaywegomedia.com. We reviewed:
- If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient Greece (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 1)
- If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient China: The Han Dynasty
- If You Were Me and Lived in... Elizabethan England (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 3)
- If You Were Me and Lived in...the American West (Volume 7)
About the Series If you Were me and Lived in..
This series was developed by Carole P. Roman to teach about interesting civilizations throughout history. The books are designed to be told from a child's point of view from the time period. Many aspects of daily life, clothes, food, activities, jobs, household tasks, division of labor, art, customs, traditions, celebrations, education, among others are introduced. At the end of each book there is further information: important and famous people, and gods and goddesses.
We learned a quite a few things we had not learned before.
About If you Were me and Lived in...Elizabethan England
Elizabethan England was over 400 years ago during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Houses were made of thatch and often housed cats, small dogs, and rodents. When it would rain, the animals would fall from the roof. So it would literally be raining cats and dogs. Theater became very popular during this time and the only actors were men. Swan and goose were among some of the foods the wealthier people would eat.
About If you Were me and Lived in..The American West
This book chronicles the life of a family that migrated in 1843 to the West. Some folks moved west in pursuit of gold, some went with the intention of making a farm. To go west, families would have to sell most of what they owned and head out in a covered wagon in wagon trains. They would eat over a fire, hunting as they traveled.
About If you Were me and Lived in..Ancient Greece
Before Christ was born, the Greeks worshiped many gods and goddesses. There were deities for every aspect of life. Individual cities were separate from one another and very loyal to their particular city, often having disagreements with one another. All was laid aside; however, for the games held in Olympia. This is where our Olympic games have come from.
About If you Were me and Lived in..Ancient China
The Han Dynasty was about 1900 years ago. Homes had paper windows and outdoor courtyards. The beds were mats and the family ate around a small table and sat on the floor. Calendar years were represented by animals. Women and men had very different rules.
The kids love stories. And these are no exception to the rule. Poppa just finished up our basement library for us recently and these will be pulled off our shelves often. With the curriculum we use, the kids have studied Ancient Greece, the American West, and Elizabethan England. These make nice supplements to what we have done. Their studies haven't include much of the Asian cultures, so we found that this is a nice introduction.
Additional Resources
By visiting the author's blog, you can find questions that can be made into worksheets that go along with the books.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,

Click here to read more reviews from Homeschool Review Crew. The crew reviewed a collection including: If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient Greece (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 1), If You Were Me and Lived in...Renaissance Italy (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 2), If You Were Me and Lived in... Elizabethan England (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 3), If You Were Me and Lived in...Colonial America (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 4), If You Were Me and Lived in...Ancient China: The Han Dynasty, If You Were Me and Lived in...the Middle Ages (An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time) (Volume 6), If You Were Me and Lived in...the American West (Volume 7), and If You Were Me and Lived in...Viking Europe.
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