In July, Heirloom Audio Productions sent us Beric the Briton to review and we just received The Cat of Bubastes to review as well. We were given the audio presentation on CD along with the Family-Four-Pack (included with the premium buying option) that includes downloadable bonus features. The Cat of Bubastes is based on a book written by GA Henty (one of our favorite authors).
~About the Story~(The audio presentation of The Cat of Bubastes is adapted from the original, so we've provided a summary of the audio version). Amuba, the prince of Rebu, is captured by the Egyptian army that makes war on his people. He is made a slave and is given to Chebron, the son of the high priest of Osiris, Ameres. Ameres is a kind master and treats both Amuba and Jethro (his protector from Rebu) as well as possible, After a series of many adventures and tragedies, Amuba and Chebron find themselves faced with the most difficult proposition of them all. They must rescue Chebron's sister and companion and flee to Rebu to save all of their lives. The cat (you may be wondering about) comes on the scene towards the end and has a very short, but pivotal role in the plot.
~The Audio CDs~There are two CD's included in the pack with 2 hours of recording. The recording is called audio theater and is more than just a reading. It combines an adaptation of the original story with sound effects, musical scores, and actors and actresses. The kids love to compare which actors and actresses were in other recordings or movies they have seen.
~Downloadable Bonus Items~The Family Four-Pack (the premium buying option) contains a downloadable set of bonuses features. You access these online. They include:
- Cat of bubastes MP3Set
- E-Book: Henty's orginal book with colorful graphics
- Official MP3 Soundtrack
- Printable Cast Poster
- Study Guide & Discussion Starter
- Inspirational Verse Poster
- Live the Adventure Letter
- Behind the Scenes Video
~The Study Guide & Discussion Starter~There are over 50 pages in the study guide. It contains questions and vocabulary words for each track, activities throughout, Bible study, and an additional resource list. There are two types of questions. The Listening Well gives children questions to answer that are found in the recording. The Thinking Further questions provide children with questions that prompt further thinking and comprehension. The activities include recipes, interesting facts, information about the time, links that have virtual tours, photographs, and illustrations.
~Our Experience~Jo-Jo loves listening to the story. She enjoys that there is a Christian theme throughout and that someone learns the truth by the end of the story. She loves adventures so she really likes listening to the story. Li also likes to listen, but he often times will run around pretending to act out the parts as we listen. Ceesa is my reader. She prefers to read it herself. One because she likes to read at her own pace, which is fast. Two is that she likes to make her own interpretations of a story. She likes most to imagine the people in her own way and to really hear the voice of the author.
Overall, we find the audio adventures are fun to listen to and we really enjoy the Henty stories.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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