

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Homeschool Copywork {Review}

Homeschool Copywork is an online website that provides printable notebooking pages and copywork in Ball and Stick Manuscript, D’Nealian Manuscript, Lined Cursive, and Unlined Print and Cursive. The copywork sets cover a broad range of topics and are designed for preschool through the upper grades. Homeschool Copywork gave us a Lifetime Membership to their site to review it with our family.

Some of the thematic copywork and notebooking options include:
  • Artist Studies: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, and Claude Monet, 
  • Hymn Studies: O Love that Will not let me go, Be Thou my Vision, Anywhere with Jesus, All Creatures of our God and King, and Amazing Grace
  • Quotes: Duke Ellington, Aaron Copland, Franz Liszt, Mozrt, J.S. Bach, William Taft, Lincoln, Wright Brothers, John James Audubon, Jane Austen, and Charlotte Bronte
  • Poetry: Winds of Play, O Captain my Captain, Autumn in the Garden, Charge of the Light Brigade, Lewis Carroll, Emily Dickinson, Robert Lewis Stevenson, and Robert Browning
  • Short Stories
  • Scripture and Christian Worldview
  • Preschool and Early Elementary: Alphabet and Transportation
  • Special Interest: Dogs, Transportation, Sharks, Leaves, Birds, Human Body, Human Life, Dragons, and Ninjas
  • Holiday: Valentine's Day, Christmas, and Thanksgiving
The collection is ever growing as new products (copywork, notebooking pages, and Charlotte Mason style resources) are added over time.

Since Ceesa, Jo-Jo, and Li could all use separate books, we tried several out: Claude Monet Copywork and Artist Study, Amazing Grace Hymn Study and Copywork, My Animal Alphabet Copywork, Character Building Copywork, and Autumn in the Garden. My personal favorite was the Claude Monet copywork ebook.

It was my favorite because it included an artist study along with the copywork pages. There was background about Monet, reflection questions, and even a suggested activity.

Each of the work pages has a small print of a piece of artwork and at the back of the book there are full length pieces by Monet. These would be beautiful framed.

The Amazing Grace Hymn Study and Copywork included information about the writer, John Newton, and...

a copy of the sheet music for Amazing Grace, which Jo-Jo rushed over to the piano to try to work on.

Li worked on the My Animal Alphabet Copywork. It was good practice for reading as well. One of the early reading strategies I like to tell the kids about is using the pictures and beginning sound to solve a word. This is the perfect way to do that because each page starts like ---(letter name) is for ------- (animal). He could use the letter to figure out what the word says by looking at the picture.

He also enjoyed coloring in the pages.

Jo-Jo is working on the Character Building Copywork pages.

Ceesa is working on Autumn in the Garden.

Some things that we especially like about the format of the copywork and notebooking pages are:
~The whole family can work together because their are different fonts and sizes provided for many of the ebooks.
~Several of the books combines a study with copywork.
~We can use different fonts with the same child and then the blank pages also give the option for using as it as dictation at the end of the week.
~The lifetime membership lets you have access to content that is continually growing.

(Sample formats of the same verse provided in Amazing Grace)

There are a couple of options for purchasing from Homeschool Copywork: Lifetime Membership and a Full One Year Membership. To try out the pages to see if your family would be interested you can sign up for the free membership.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate your thoughtful review of Homeschool Copywork and the many pictures you included! Thank you.


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