When you think of Easter fashion, maybe you think of sweet pastel dresses, fluffy skirts, gloves, or even a new hat. A few years ago, we read the story of Miss Fanny and her lovely Easter hat. Easter and spring heralds in florals, lace, ribbons, and lovely colors. Although Easter is not about clothes, but the love of Christ, the finery of Easter is rather an interesting study.
Studying Easter hats alone gives you plenty to learn. Queen Elizabeth II has had a lovely assortment of hats (This is from the Huffingtonpost website, watch the ads please). The New York Easter parade dates back over 100 years. Although in are modern times, Easter hats boarder on the outlandish and outrageous.
For many years, we have foregone the Easter basket and opted for a different set of gifts to celebrate the holiday. We give them a chocolate sweet (this year it was a chocolate and peanut butter egg), a corsage or boutonniere, a special gift, and a new Easter dress or suit.
Such lovely girls in their lovely dresses to celebrate a day that reminds us that grave does not hold us.
Portfolio Assignment: Write a brief history of Easter fashion traditions. You can tell about your own family traditions too or even focus on the hats!
He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?” Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out... ~John 20:15-16
Join us for all of our Fashion Posts:
You're Beautiful
The Capsule Wardrobe
Creating a Look Book
The History of Fashion & Set Apart
Stewardship & Thrift and Boot Cuffs & Scarves
What Season Are You?
Seasonal Colors
Color Study
The Meaning of Colors
Sew Your Own Skirts
Easter Fashion
The Capsule Wardrobe
Creating a Look Book
The History of Fashion & Set Apart
Stewardship & Thrift and Boot Cuffs & Scarves
What Season Are You?
Seasonal Colors
Color Study
The Meaning of Colors
Sew Your Own Skirts
Easter Fashion
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