This year Ceesa went to her first formal ball. The dances are Jane Austin style and are very elegant. There is a caller that teaches the dances and provides instruction. Ceesa spent the day with friends eating, getting their hair done, and dressing in beautiful gowns. She even borrowed a pair of gloves. After going to the ball to chaperon, I would definitely recommend gloves, as there are a lot of strangers that you have to dance with to do the large dances.
I would say that in that time gloves were not just for fashion, they also had a practical use. I may be a bit of a germophobe, no doubt I am, but I was wishing for gloves after a couple of dances.
So now, guess who would like a pair of gloves of her own after attending her first ball (besides me)? That seems like the perfect thing to study, the history of gloves. Upon some research we found a website that gives a detailed history of gloves (parents please preview the link for appropriateness for your family, you may wish to edit some of the reading). There are a nice collection of websites to check out listed there as well.
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us... ~1 John 3:16
So now, guess who would like a pair of gloves of her own after attending her first ball (besides me)? That seems like the perfect thing to study, the history of gloves. Upon some research we found a website that gives a detailed history of gloves (parents please preview the link for appropriateness for your family, you may wish to edit some of the reading). There are a nice collection of websites to check out listed there as well.
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us... ~1 John 3:16
Now for the fashion show...
This outfit is a favorite of mine. The shirt is a shear material and I wear a tank top underneath. Then I pair it with skinnies and boots or boot cut jeans and flats.
I like to wear this outfit just about everywhere. It is comfortable and looks polished. (If you read my stitch fix review, you may have seen this outfit before.)
Ceesa's outfit is one that she wears to church. The cream sweater and skirt are hand-me-downs and the scarf is mine, although we decided that we would tie it a different way because it is too bulky on her spread out.
This outfit is a nice transition for this time of year, where you are really hoping for spring, but it is just too cold to go all out.
Jo-Jo's outfit is one that she wears to cookouts and she wore the shirt with a jean skirt to a barn dance last year.
With a pair of boots, she definitely looks like she's ready to go to a rodeo. My girls would love to go to a rodeo. I remember when I was Ceesa's age, a kind, dear neighbor, Mr. Stone, would take us to the rodeo with him. We always had a nice time and I really need to take my girls!
Portfolio Assignment: Do some research on gloves (or another accessory that you are interested in studying.
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