I've been interested in my family history for a very long time. For many years, in between having babies, I've spent a couple of weeks every year searching out new records and photographs. Sometimes I've trekked out into cow pastures, other times I've gotten to go into old school houses, and still others I've spent long hours in libraries and on the computer searching for information.
This weekend I was working on getting some things organized and thought some of my family photographs would provide more study for the girls for their fashion study.
Studying our family photographs, we are considering these questions:
1) What are the shapes of the dresses?
2) What embellishments are on the clothing?
3) How are the necklines shaped?
4) What do the collars look like?
5) How do the sleeves look?
6) Can you tell what work the women in the pictures were expected to do?
7) How did they wear their hair?
8) What head coverings do you see?
9) What jewelry do they wear?
10) Can you tell by the styles which pictures are the oldest?
If you don't have your own photos, you can work on the questions that we have here on ours.
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. Tools specific to Then the word of the LORD came to me. He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. ~Jeremiah 18:4-6
Now on to our fashion show. I love combining flannel and lace. In this outfit, I have a lace camisole on with the flannel.
I like wearing this to fall hot dog roasts and outdoor cookouts. I usually match them with my black boots.
Ceesa's outfit is wonderful for spring time when the weather isn't quite warm enough for short sleeves.
The pink in the cardigan is just slightly lighter than the pink in her dress and the combination of pink and mint is pretty together.
Jo-Jo's is a great one for winter (we've got every season covered in this post, but summer :) ). She has really started enjoying wearing scarves.
This scarf is a large blanket type scarf and is super fluffy on her, but she loves it anyway. With her brunette colored hair, the red sweater is lovely.
Portfolio Assignment: Take a collection of older family photos. Compare the styles with the questions above and make a page with your collection.
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