

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

~FishFlix.com~ Theo: Teaching Children God's Word Volume 1 {Review}

First Thoughts
We have reviewed the Theo series before (Volume 4) and really like the series, so when FishFlix.com offered for us to review Theo Volume 1 we were really excited. FishFlix.com is a company that makes Christian Movies for over a decade.

~About the Series~
Theo is a gentleman that lives in a cottage in the English countryside. His two mouse companions, Luther and Belfry, accompany him in explaining doctrine issues. Scripture and Bible stories are used to emphasize the lessons in the series. During the course of each episode, Theo uses his "shoe box theater" to share a Bible story. Luther and Belfry apply the lesson in their own lives.

~The Home Edition Series~
The Home Edition is designed especially for parents and their children. Each lesson starts with the characters doing ordinary things. Theo uses these simple everyday situations to teach Biblical principles to Luther, Belfry, and us. Using directives from scripture, Theo describes and defines what they mean and then he points to a Biblical example to show us how it looks.

~What's Included in the First DVD?~
Lesson One - Saving Faith is 9 minutes in length. Luther and Belfry smell the freshly baked cookies that Theo is baking. We can have faith in lots of things, but only faith in God is the proper faith. Theo shares the story of Abraham and Sarah. Luther has faith that his hot air balloon will help them get to the cookies, but faith in the air craft turns out to be the wrong kinds.

Lesson Two - Loving Obedience starts with the gang gathering apples. When Belfry and Luther aren't obedient, Theo uses the story of Jonah to teach us about obedience. In the end, obedience would have saved the mice a bit of trouble and the disappointment of a wormy apple. It has a running time of 9 minutes.

Lesson Three - Forgiveness begins with Luther realizing he lost his cheese. Belfry admits to eating it and his apple tart and his chocolate bar and his bag of cheese puffs. Luther blows his top. Theo uses this opportunity to explain what forgiveness is and shares the parable of the unforgiving servant. Although a servant was set free from his debt, he was unwilling to set another free. The servant was condemned for not sharing his compassion. "Since God forgives us, we should forgive those that offend us." This video is 10 minutes.

Bonus - The Good News focuses on the verse, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." ~John 3:16. Theo explains how sin separates us from God. How God has made a way for us to accept Jesus and walk in truth and love. Theo explains the word sin is an archery term that means "missing the mark."

~Parent's Guide~
A Parent's Guide comes with the DVD and includes:
  • a summary of the lessons
  • discussion questions
  • family activities
  • suggested scripture references
  • closing prayers
  • nightly devotionals for six days.

~How we Used it~
When we used the first set, we found that a good schedule for us would be to watch the movie on our way home from church on Sundays. It is about a 15 minute trip, so we have just the right amount of time to watch the short segment for the week. We decided that this schedule could be repeated with volume 1.

On Mondays, the scripture references, discussion questions, and nightly devotionals can be broken up. Then they can be worked through until Friday. On Saturday, the lesson culminates with the family activity, final devotional, and closing prayer.

One of the activities was a faith fall. Ceesa is catching Jo-Jo.

Another was a reenactment of Jonah. Jo-Jo is the whale and she is swallowing Li with a blanket.

~What the Kids Have to Say~
Jo-Jo says that she especially likes how Luther and Belfry do their part. She says that the "shoe box theater is fun."

Li says, "I learned that you have to forgive others. If someone says, 'I'm sorry I ate your cheese puffs or if they say, 'Sorry I pushed you.' you have to forgive them. Sometimes it is hard to forgive others, but it is good to forgive them.

~Final Notes~
Li does not like that Luther gets angry and his eyes get red. He leaves the room during that part during the third episode. He also doesn't like the part where the servant gets sent to jail.

The Good News ends with asking Jesus into your heart. In our family, we used this bonus lesson as an opportunity to study some of the over 40 scripture references to salvation; such as, Mark 16:16.

~Who Would Like This~
Just as Sunday School teachers, youth teachers, youth ministers, and youth directors would find the Church Edition to be a terrific fit for their needs this DVD series in the Home Edition would be a great fit for family devotions. We recommend it for kids 5-11 years of age.

~Bonus Prize Pack Details~
You can enter a drawing to win a 5-Movie prize pack – including War Room, The Ultimate Gift, Superbook: A Great Adventure, My Son, My Savior and Owlegories 2.  Over $80 in DVDs!

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  1. I am sure my kids would love watching this series.

  2. I think our favorite part is the shoe box theater. And I like Theo's gentle character.


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