Then we researched some of the characteristics that colors are said to reflect on the wearer, which are some different than rose meanings...
Blue reflects honesty, trustworthiness, and intelligence.
Red reflects love, intensity, and energy.
Black reflects mystery, elegance, and sophistication.
Green reflects wealth, freshness, and peacefulness.
Yellow reflects energy, warmth, and cheerfulness.
Orange reflects health, happiness, and successfulness.
Pink reflects tenderness, caring, and sympathy.
Purple reflects imagination, creativeness, and calm.
White reflects simplicity, innocence, and goodness.
Brown reflects friendliness, stability, and genuineness.
It is believed when we wear these colors, we project those characteristics. While there may be some truth to this, our actions speak much louder than the colors we wear. Blue may make someone look honest, but I know people that aren't honest and no matter what color they wear, I don't believe the things they say. The influence of color may be more likely to have a greater impact on first appearances and not on long term relationships. Blue is a great color to wear to interviews, but if you don't have good communication skills, you most likely won't get the job just by wearing blue. order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. ~ Ephesians 1:12
I love this song and with Easter around the corner, I thought I'd share it with you. Sometimes it takes a VeggieTale to remind us of something so simple.
And now on to the fashion show...
This is an outfit I wear around the house. It is comfortable and can be made ready to dash out rather quickly. With leggings, I can throw on boots and with yoga pants (or leggings for that matter) I can throw on flats. It makes a good outfit for running out for Bible study or to a last minute pizza run.
This shade of teal is one of my favorite colors. And the dolmen style is just right in this shirt. There is a definite shape to it and it doesn't give me wings. That is important when wearing a dolmen. And oh, I almost forgot to mention the cowl neck. Love cowl necks! Poppa just put polish on my boots. Didn't he do a great job! :)
Ceesa is wearing another of my favorite go to dresses with a jean jacket that I picked up a few years ago. It never fit me quite right. It looks great on her, but it was really too tight on my arms and a stiff denim that is too tight is just not going to work.
This outfit is beautiful for church or an evening out to dinner with her friends, which she honestly doesn't do very often. But it looks like it is time for a girls night out.
Jo-Jo's zip up layered with a white t-shirt and jeans is great for heading out for a game night (which she did just have last night) or to her baking club.
She's wearing my shade of teal too! And never mind the bare feet, we are really looking forward to spring around here. She just informed me that she doesn't care what the calendar says, tomorrow will be the first day of spring in her book.
Portfolio Assignment: Make your own color reflection chart. You can make flowers like Ceesa or simply make a chart to help you remember the reflections of colors.
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