Year 6, Term 3
Mood with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or
art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)
Describe a scene from one of our pieces of literature this term. Choose
from the Iliad or stories from the Age of Fable (Iona, Druids, Baldur, Thor, Prester
John, Vishnu, and Zoroaster). Consider how the story makes you feel, how you’d feel being there with them,
and the consequences of the scene.
Science: Background
with oral expression
(presentation: Defend,
Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)
We’ve been studying about different yard herbs like dandelion, chickweed,
violet, and plantain. Each of these different herbs can be eaten in different
ways, are found in different places, and look different from one another. What
can you tell me about herbs?
Social Studies: The
Greater Meaning with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance)
The Romans were interested in some different amusements then we are now.
What are some of the amusements the Romans were involved in? What does it say about their
human condition? How did those amusements influence their lives?
Bible: View
point with written expression
(narration, proposal, biography, persuade, problem/solution,
instructions, list, poetry, composition)
When we read stories from the Old Testament, we see that special rules
were set aside for the priests. What are some of these rules? Why were they in
place? What would the consequences be if the rule were not followed? How did these rules
influence their lives?
Social Studies: Action
(Drama, Movement, Change) with visual
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, pamphlet)
history people’s occupations have changed according to the needs of society,
the area of the world that they live in, and how technology changes. You have
studied people living in different cultures and in different ages: Ancient
Romans, Israelites, and Egyptians.
me about three different occupations. Be sure to include information about the
jobs: where in the world the worker is, what time in history it is, who the
person is that is doing the job, and what could have happened or did happen to
change the job.
Studies, Science, Music, and Art: Characterization with analytical expression
(game, puzzle,
crossword, word search, code)
Some people have
a character worth remembering. Some don’t have a good character, but they are
worth remembering just for that reason. Some people have art made of them (like
the columns or busts of Roman senators) or they have songs written about them
or for them.
What is
something history should remember about someone you learned about this term?
Choose from your character from Plutarch, Galileo, Herod, Augustus, Akhenaton,
Philo, Strabo, Tiberius, Hermann, or one of the scientists you’ve studied.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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I always admire your exams.
Thanks Phyllis! They are a lot of hard work, but we think it is worth it.
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