Year 4, Term 1
Science: The
Greater Meaning with creative expression
recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage,
paint, mold, chalk, pencil)
minor things can have a big impact or consequences on things around them.
Choose one of the following and determine what influence it has on our life or
the lives of those that were in that time, around that place, or in the future.
Some of your
options are: earthquakes, silk, Epeira's Bridge, seeds, bats, turtles like
Minn, and the Mississippi River.
something that demonstrates the impact it has on things around it.
Music, and Art: Characterization with oral expression
Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)
Choose a
character that you’ve read about this term. Consider what they think, how they
feel, how they react or act in certain situations or with other characters, how
they influence the people around them, how they make you feel, and what their
relationships are like with other people.
Pick from our
Shakespeare play from this term (Taming of the Shrew) or some of these stories:
Apollo and Daphne, Pyramus and Thisbe, Cephalus and Procris, or Diana and
Then tell about
Bible &
Social Studies: Action (Drama, Movement, Change) with movement
(play, puppet
show, music, dance)
Bible has lots of exciting things documented like the people of Israel taking
Jericho, events when Joshua was leader of Israel, John baptizing Jesus, and how
Christ fed hungry crowds.
about what happens to make their lives better or worse, how the people change
over time, how things change, what were the consequences of the events, and
what the turning point was.
you are finished, create something to show what happened.
Studies: Mood with written expression
proposal, biography, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry,
read about lots of people and times in history this term. How would you feel
being there with them? Are you scared, content, worried, anxious, joyful? Can
you explain what must have happened in that time with that person?
You can choose
from King Philip's War, Benjamin Franklin, the witches of Salem, early
colonies, Lord Baltimore, William Penn, and Queen Victoria and write about them
and the answers to the questions above.
& Social Studies: Background with visual expression
blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, pamphlet)
different times in history, different inventions have been made and discovered.
Think about some of the things that Benjamin Franklin invented or discovered.
Or about the Wright Brothers and their first plane. Or about those that have
developed waterway systems. Or about advances in prosthetic limbs.
does the invention mean to the people that lived in that time of history or
what does it mean to us today?
a diagram, show an invention and how it works. Be sure to add a caption that
explains how it impacts lives.
Studies: View point with analytical expression
(game, puzzle,
crossword, word search, code)
we read a story, we get to see what is going on in the mind of other people.
But there are always more points to consider.
one of the two options provided to explain things from another view than the
one that we’ve read about.
For the last 2
years, we read Pilgrims Progress. Within the last few weeks, we learned about John
Bunyan’s life in Trial and Triumph. Explain how his life impacted his writing
of Pilgrim’s Progress. OR Think about Robinson Crusoe. He changes in his
understanding of God during his captivity on the island. How did God protect
Crusoe even when Crusoe didn’t know he needed protection?
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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