

Monday, May 18, 2015

Missions Box Monday: Caring for Elderly

There are lots of things your kids can do to share comfort with the elderly...
~Make lap blankets (quilts, crochet, fleece, or knitted)
~Knit socks.
~Write a note or make a card and include comforting scripture. Decorate the edges with flowers or form art.
~Add special homemade things like pictures, watercolors, felted gifts, or embroidered pillows. Put your pictures on a piece of construction paper for a frame.
~Put in a gift of a wreath or a garland from finger knitting and attach a gift tag.
~Embroider a scripture for a pillow or throw.


Read all of our Missions Box Monday posts:
Starting a Prayer Journal
Welcome a Newborn
Recovery Center
Homeless & Homeless Shelters
Caring for Someone in your Community
Food Pantry
Encourage a Soldier Recovering from Injuries
Caring for Elderly

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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  1. This is just the sweetest thing. I would love to receive one of these gifts and I'm not even elderly (yet :P) What a great project.

  2. Thanks! The girls have worked so hard. :)


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