

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Just some fun from around the house

I love to catch the special things the kids leave around the house for me to find. While they are still young, some itsy, bitsy, they won't always be. So here are some fun things I've found around the house lately...

These are sporks. by Li

Sadie and Shem by Li

Embroidery by Jo-Jo

Bead Art by Ceesa and Jo-Jo

Rainy Day on Flowers Embroidery by Ceesa



Jo-Jo and Wheel working on some music

In the Rain by Ceesa

Ceesa as a Super Hero by Ceesa

Li as a Super Hero (Thunderstorm) by Li

Ceesa's super vehicle by Ceesa

Li's Flying Machine by Li

What fun things are lying around your house?

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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  1. I really enjoyed seeing this post. Loved seeing everything that was drawn and embroidered. The kids did a fantastic job on it all. The picture of making music was very sweet.

    1. Thanks Stacie. Yes, I really love to see all of their projects that they make for themselves too! Baby Wheel can't get enough of playing on the piano, especially when the girls are working on their lessons.


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