Sunday, February 22, 2015

Year 6, Term 2 Exam: Homeschool Exams and Tests for Sixth Grade

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How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions

Year 6, Term 2 Exam

Music-Hymn and Science-Nature Study and Experiments: Background with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)

Our world is an amazing, beautiful place. We can see our creator at work all around us. We can make experiments (this term we’ve done experiments with snow, weather, chemicals, and plants), make observations of animals (in the sea, in forests, in our backyard), and study books or watch movies (this term, there has been animals and minerals, metals, and stones that are quarried from the ground) to find out more about the beauty around us.

We learn interesting things about how everything is dependent on something to survive. This dependence can sometimes be subtle or other times be absolutely necessary for existence (mutualism). We can see how important relationships are between everything on the earth. There is incredible beauty in these relationships.  We have an even more profound relationship with our creator.

Sometimes people write songs about this beauty and we’ve studied a few of them this term: I am Thine O Lord, O Holy Night, and Fairest Lord Jesus. Keeping this in mind, consider what you can create to show the beautiful relationship we have between the world and our creator.

Bible, Literature, and Social Studies-History: Action with oral expression
(presentation: Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)

We have spent lots of time learning about people living in ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Palestine. From the book Genesis: Finding our Roots, we learn how many cultures were formed after the separation at the Tower of Babel. Different cultures developed pagan beliefs and we can learn about them from the myths, stories of mythological creatures, and cultural celebrations of those peoples.

There are various theories about how these components developed. Some of them are: 1) they are all based on Bible stories…just changed dramatically, 2) the geographical area the people lived in reinforced their beliefs (volcanoes, storms, flooding rivers, etc.),3) evil spirits were being worshiped, 4) the heroes of old were Nephilim (giants) or the children of Nephilim, 4) the stories were changed and embellished as years passed by, 5) all of the people were real average people and the stories told about them were just exaggerated, 6) none of the stories were real or even believed to be real during the time that they were told; 7) instead they were stories that were allegories (mirror real life), and 8) people decided to start worshipping things like air, fire and water so people made them have “person-like” qualities.

You have quite a bit of knowledge of the ancient times now. What do you think? Take a stand on the origin of these stories, beliefs, and celebrations. Defend your answers based on what you’ve learned in a presentation.

Bible and Social Studies-Government, citizenship: The Greater Meaning with written expression
(narration, proposal, biography, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry, composition)

We are just finishing up reading Animal Farm. We can learn a lot about how easy it is for people in positions of power to turn corrupt and abusive in those positions from this story about animals. Or if you think back to The Hobbit, when the different persons received power how they were changed.

Write a biography (story about someone’s life) that tells about how power impacted or influenced the person. How did the power or seeking the power lead to corruption? What are/were the consequences of those choices? What conclusions can you draw from the person’s life that teach us about our own self, our condition? What influence can the person’s life have on ours? Provide examples.

Some people that you may want to consider: Herod, Aeneas, Augustus Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Anthony, King David, or any other that we’ve studied this term.

Music, Artist and Literature-Poetry: Mood with visual expression
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, pamphlet)

We’ve been listening to some children’s music (The Story of Swan Lake, Peter and the Wolf, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Tortoise and the Hare, Casey at Bat, and Carnival of Animals) by Steven Simon. In the lessons, we learn that many of the pieces have been composed to set the tone or mood for what is happening in the stories that accompany the music. The music can make you feel a certain way…scared, content, worried, excited, anxious, joyful.

Create a pamphlet for one particular work that we saw or listened to this term. You can choose from any of the pieces listed above or our folk song (Cherry Ripe), Hymns (I am Thine O Lord, O Holy Night, and Fairest Lord Jesus ), poetry (from Carl Sandburg), or artist works (Diego Valazquez: Old Woman Frying Eggs, Aesop, Juan de Parejo, Joseph’s Coat Brought to Jacob, Las Menians-The Maids of Honor, and the Water Seller of Seville).

Pretend you are a curator and that you want people to come and listen to a program or attend an exhibit for the piece you choose. Let your pamphlet reflect the mood of the piece.

Bible, Literature, and Music-Composer: Viewpoint with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance)

Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was always fair? But the things that seems fair to me, don’t always seem fair to you. Or the things that seems fair to you, don’t always seem fair to Jo-Jo. What is the truth of fairness, I wonder?

Is there really anyway to make things fair?

Was it fair for Job to suffer as he did? Was it fair for his friends to accuse him? Was it fair for Job to question God? Was it fair for Casey to be struck out in Mudville? Was it fair for him not to try to swing at the first pitches? Was it fair for the apprentice to try out the spells? Was it fair for the sorcerer to punish him? Was it fair for the tortoise to win the race? Was it fair for the hare to tease him? Was it fair for the man to trick the prince? Was it fair for the prince to go after the swan after he promised to marry the false girl? Was it fair for Oberon to put the love juice on Titania’s eyes to get his way? Was it fair for Oberon to want the boy? Was it fair for Titania to keep the boy from Oberon? Was it fair for Puck to make Demetrius love Helena when he wanted to love Hermia? Was it fair for Hermia to try to leave with Lysander? Was it fair for Hermia’s father to insist that she marry Demetrius? Was it fair for Helena to tell Demetrius that Lysander and Hermia were going to run away together? Was it fair for Puck to put the donkey head on Bottom?

My, how can we judge what is fair after all? You show me. What is fair? Explain it through a play, puppet show, music, or dance.

Literature & History: Characterization with analytical expression
(game, puzzle, crossword, word search, code) 

Heroes can be hard to find. No one is perfect, but some people seem a lot more flawed than others. We’ve read about a few people that might be considered heroes: Timoleon, Archimedes, Moses, and maybe a few others that you can think of yourself.  

Heroes generally have certain character traits that make them admirable, courageous, and honorable. What do you think about when you consider someone a hero? How does the hero react or act in certain situations or with others? How does the hero influence others? How does the hero make you feel? What are the hero’s motives? What makes the hero unique?

Make something from the list above that provides someone with information about what makes a hero.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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