

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Year 3, Term 2 Exam: Homeschool Exams and Tests for Third Grade

Wondering how to do exams with your homeschooler?
Here are copies of our exams: Example Exams and Daily Schedule
How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions

Year 3, Term 2 Exam

Literature & Bible: The Greater Meaning with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)

We’ve read lots of stories this term that have morals or important ideas for us to learn from the events or characters.

We read the Shakespeare play, The Taming of the Shrew, about a man that made his wife exceedingly submissive to him by doing all sorts of strange things. Another play was Measure for Measure about a man that lived with a woman and was then put in jail. He was to be killed. The duke was pretending to be gone so he put a man in his place. The man abused his power and asked the man’s (in jail) sister to come to him even though he himself was married. We read Inferior Animals about the crows, The General Thaw with the ice, water and snow fighting with one another, and The Light of Life about the boy that couldn’t think properly and the gardener who gave him a rose plant. The people that Christiana encounters in Pilgrim’s Progress give us a look at different people’s characters.

Some of the stories teach us about how we should live, some teach us about God, some teach us about the sinfulness of our souls. Choose one of the examples and create something that demonstrates what we can learn.

Bible and Social Studies: Characterization with oral expression
(Presentation: defend, persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)

We’ve read several stories about people that were persistent and very determined to work toward God’s will for their lives, even when things were very difficult.  Whether people, circumstances, or the elements stood in their way, they trusted and persevered.

In Trial and Triumph, we read about how the first Bibles were written in the language of all the people. We read about how the Pilgrims made their way to Plymouth, about their difficulties, and about how they strove to keep going, even in the face of the most difficult of hardships. Squanto’s life was anything but easy, yet he choose to bless the Pilgrims with his assistance.

Consider how these people influenced the world around them. Take some time and decide how their character can be an example to us for how to make decisions in our lives that honor God. Then explain your ideas to me.

Literature, Geography, and History: Action (Drama, Movement, and Change) with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance)

Adventure is fun isn’t it?

We’ve read about a lot of people (real and pretend) that have had adventures this term: Marco Polo, the children of Arnwood, Jason and the Argonauts, Mike Fink, Davy Crockett, and Johnny Appleseed. We have even read about some women like the mother of the Green Mountain Boys, Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, and Mary Breckinridge that have had real (sometimes dangerous) adventures!

Choose one of the adventurous ladies that we’ve read about. Consider how her life is better or worse from her adventure? How are other people effected by the adventurer? How are our lives changed by her adventure?

After you’ve thought about this, create a play, puppet show, composition, or dance to share her adventure.

Bible, Art, History, Poetry, and Music: Mood with analytical expression
(game, puzzle, crossword, word search, code) 

Characters and subjects in the music we’ve been listening to by Steven Simon (The Story of Swan Lake, Peter and the Wolf, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Tortoise and the Hare, Casey at Bat, and Carnival of Animals), our hymns (I am Thine O Lord, O Holy Night, and Fairest Lord Jesus), and folksong (Cherry Ripe) and in the works of art by Diego Velazquez (Old Woman Frying Eggs, Aesop, Juan de Parejo, Joseph’s Coat Brought to Jacob, Las Menians-The Maids of Honor, and the Water Seller of Seville), provide us with a feeling when we listen to them or look at them.

Think of some feelings you have that are associated with those pieces (like scared, content, worried, anxious, joyful) and show how these feelings are represented in the pieces.

Science: Viewpoint with written expression
(narration, proposal, biography, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list, poetry, composition)

This term we have been studying very wintry types of things. We’ve watched videos about the weather. You got a forest diorama for Christmas. We did lots of inside snow experiments.

When we study how things work and God’s wonderful creation, we learn many things about how all creation has rules and laws that it follows, pointing to an orderly, created world.

Write out a list of the things that you discovered when you learned about God’s world.

Social Studies (Geography): Background with visual expression
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart, pamphlet)

We’ve been studying Marco Polo and the many places that he visited. We read about Venice, Jerusalem, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, Tibet, India, and the Spice Islands in the Indian Ocean.

Of course, we’ve also been reading about the new world when the Pilgrims arrived and England during the reign of Henry the VIII and his son James. You’ve read about a lot of different people in a lot of different times when you read your own books every day.

Choose one place and fill in the name in the top rectangle of the web. Then use the other rectangles to tell me about those places…what I might see there, what I might hear, what kind of clothes did the people wear, what things did the people eat, what did they like to do…Add more rectangles as you think of things to add.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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  1. Your exams are an inspiration to me.

    1. Thanks! They take me two days each to put together, but it is worth it to see the kids best work.


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