

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Modeling Projects

We've been working with our play dough to create our own individual work.

Here's the recipe...

Homemade Play Dough

  • 1 ½ c. flour
  • ¼ c. salt
  • 2 T. cream of tartar
  • 1 c. boiling water
  • 1 T. oil

1. Mix first 5 ingredients until evenly distributed. 
2. Knead to get proper consistency-may need a bit more flour on your surface.
3. Add desired color of food coloring. Kneading until color is uniform.
4. Store in a clear, covered container (we leave ours on the counter so the dark doesn't encourage mold growth). Stays good for about 2 months.

Bowl by Ceesa

Vase by Ceesa

Sphinx by Ceesa

Textured Heart by Jo-Jo

Windmill by Jo-Jo

Bottle by Jo-Jo

Girl by Jo-Jo

by Li

Turtle by Ceesa

Fish Fossil by Ceesa

Rose by Ceesa

Tulip by Jo-Jo

Four Layer Cake by Jo-Jo

Fern Fossil by Jo-Jo

Hand Print by Jo-Jo

Try making your own play dough and see what your sweeties can create!

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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  1. The creations that were made were fantastic! My kids love doing modeling. It's nice to give them some fun and hands on learning as well.

    1. We have a friend that does pottery. She is going to teach us how to dig clay and mold it. I can't wait for that!


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