I don't know about your house, but in our house, we have a letter writer. E-mail...yes...she will e-mail, but give her a good old fashioned letter any day of the week and she is content.
So for Christmas I decided that I would make Ceesa a stationary kit for her homemade gift from me.
I started by gathering a blank card set, half sheets of paper, and lots of my scrapbooking materials: letters, tags, borders, shapes, cut-outs, stickers, and embellishments of every kind: buttons, beads, ribbons, etc.
Then I decorated envelopes, papers, and cards.
Ceesa loves to make her own cards and letters too, so I included boxes with bits of notions along with blank paper, cards, and envelopes.
I tied the sets that I made up, so that they would stay put.
I tucked in the notion boxes, finished papers, cards and envelopes, the blank papers, cards, and envelopes, and pens into a box.
It appears to be a hit!
She made a card right away.
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