Jo-Jo loves cooking and baking, so I decided that I would make her a Baking & Cooking Kit for Christmas.
I looked through my recipe box for some of our favorite recipes that I would be able to put in jars and decided on Ruby Tea Biscuits, Chocolate Covered Cherries, Peanut Butter Balls, Snicker Doodles, Pea and Pasta Soup, Oatmeal-Raspberry Bars, Pumpkin Bread, Mini-Cherry Pies, and Chocolate Cake .
I gathered some used jars and lids. I filled them with the dry ingredients for the recipes that I picked for her. I cut out circles from craft paper using tea saucers.
Next I tied on some red checked ribbon.
Each of the jars got a tag. One side had the name of the recipe.
The other side had the directions.
There were a few ingredients that were special for the recipes. So I wrapped them in craft paper and labeled them.
I cleaned a box we purchased at an auction years ago. And fit the jars inside. Amazingly everything fit!
To wrap it up, I put a checked table cloth around it and tied it with some rope.
She was rather surprised and couldn't wait to get started.
Then it was off to the kitchen to do some baking.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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What a great gift for a girls who likes to cook. I like your science kit, too.
Thanks Jennifer! My kiddies love gifts that allow them to create something!
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