Sunday, December 07, 2014

Year 3, Term 1 Exam: Homeschool Exams and Tests for Third Grade

Wondering how to do exams with your homeschooler?
Here are copies of our exams: Example Exams and Daily Schedule
How we create our exam questions: Creating Exam Questions

Year 3, Term 1 Exam

Science: Drama, Movement, and Change with creative expression
(handicraft, recycled material project, diorama, cooking, land art, or art media: collage, paint, mold, chalk, pencil)

Many of the things you've been studying this term go through a change. Butterflies go through 3 stages in their life cycle before they become a butterfly. Bees go through stages, too. And some bees like the queen are given different food so they purposely change. Conifer trees have small changes like growing and dropping pine cones. The poppers/Jewel weed that we discovered on our walks go through lots of changes from plant to flower to the seeds being full enough to bust out. We learned about the prairie and that they burn it so that it will be ready for new growth come spring. At the library, the different experiments with markers and water and cleaning money all showed changed. And what of Pagoo? He has certainly gone through many changes. Using some form of creative expression, show a change you've learned about this term. Consider showing: How things are better or worse with the change,.Is it a sudden change or slow? Does the change happen to it or is it doing the changing? How does the change influence things around it?

Music: Mood with movement
(play, puppet show, music, dance)

We've listened to: music by Hildegard Von Bingen, the folk song Billy Boy, the hymns: Jesus Paid it All, Lift High the Cross of Jesus, and Just as I am. Create something to show how one of them makes you feel.

Bible: The Greater Meaning with oral expression
(presentation: Defend, Persuade, judge, compare/contrast, inform, narration)

Describe a story from the Bible. You choose. Then explain what we can learn from the person. Think about how the people in the story show their character. What do they do and say that we can try to be like or try to avoid?

Literature: View point with written expression
(narration, proposal, persuade, problem/solution, instructions, list, journal entry, letter, poetry, composition)
We've read about a lot of interesting characters: animals in the different fables, knights from the dragon stories, Saints, Paul Bunyan and Pecos Bill, characters from Shakespeare and Parables of Nature, the Princess and the Goblins and Curdie, Perseus from the myths, and Christiana and Mercy from Pilgrims Progress. Write something (a poem, letter, journal article) as if you are one of these characters. Think about how they feel and what they might write.

Social Studies: Background with visual expression
(diagrams, blow-outs, maps, graphic organizers, chart)
Different parts of the earth are warmer and cooler depending on their relation to the sun. Make a diagram of the shape of the earth, show where the hot and cold countries are, what homes would look like in those places, what animals live there, and how people live. 

Art, Composer, Literature, and Social Studies: Characterization with analytical expression
(game, puzzle, crossword, word search)
Oh there are so many people we've read about this term. Their actions influence those around them. Some of them we may like to be friends with and others not so much. They all look, talk, and respond in different ways. Your job is to create something that lets us learn something about them. Some of the people are: Fra Angelico, Hildegard Von Bingen, Helen Keller, Eli Whitney, Columbus, Squanto, Marco Polo, Leonardo Da Vinci, England's early kings, workers of the Underground Railroad, slavers, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. You can focus on all of them in a crossword or word search or just one in a game or puzzle. You pick.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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