Last week, we posted 15+ DIY ideas for homemade Christmas gifts here. Here's what we've been up to this week:
I'm putting together Missions Boxes for the kids filled with good things to make and do for others.
I'm working on a science kit for Li. Directions and a supply list will be coming soon!
science kit
Li made a teething bunny for Wheel by folding a washcloth into a bunny shape (lots of tuts out there for boo-boo bunnies). We used a hair band instead of a rubber band though and opted to draw a face on so Wheel wouldn't choke on google eyes.
teething bunny
Li made Jo-Jo a bracelet from a shower curtain rod ring, ribbon, a button, and glue dots.
Ceesa made a pin cushion from scrap material, batting, a jelly jar and ring, and buttons.
pin cushion
Li made a hair ribbon from felt, glue dots, and an elastic hair band for Ceesa.
hair bow
Be sure to check out our other homemade gifts!
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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