Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Make an Ornament from Cotton Swabs

We found this idea for making snowflakes from cotton swabs in the December/January 2012 issue of FamilyFun magazine.

The snowflakes end up pretty huge when you use the entire swab, so we decided that we would cut them in half so that they would fit on our tree to use as ornaments for this year.

Place the swabs on a plastic wrap lined cookie sheet. We found it easiest to make a diamond shape. 

Then a mirror image of the original.

Then straight lines with the remaining two pieces connected for the other 4 diamonds.

Use tacky glue to stick all ends together.

Sprinkle glitter over the glue.

Let them dry overnight.

When you are ready, carefully peel them off of the plastic and shake off the extra glitter.

Then you can hang them to the tree as is or add ribbon. Ours were still a little tacky in the morning, so we hung them and opted to add ribbon and the date when we take them down after Christmas.

A little homemade sparkle for your tree.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

We have that same shape sitting on our counter right now - made out of craft sticks (and too large for the tree)...part of our fractal exploration. It wasn't the main part of our craft, and I probably won't post about it for several days...but it was cool to see it here this morning. Yours are very pretty with glitter - hurray for Family fun!

Bethany said...

Isn't that funny! We did the same thing sight the gingerbread. You were working in it and we were getting ready to start. :)

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