Well, have you ever had one of those days where things just don't turn out the way you had planned?
We started out our day at a local environmental center. We were going to learn about prairies and how the center does a controlled burn every year to maintain those on their property.
While we waited the kids found a deer just outside a window in the adjoining room.
Baby Wheel didn't sleep as long as I hoped, but after the slide show presentation we were going for a walk and I needed to put him in his sling.
As soon as we headed out to compare fields, and old and new prairies it started to rain. So out came our umbrellas. I had two in the car. One for the girls and one for the boys and I.
The boys and I were pretty far behind. I couldn't get Wheel bundled like I wanted while holding the umbrella and for some reason I couldn't keep Li dry. And then it started to hail. Now I love being outside and rain doesn't usually slow me down, but well...hail. It was too much. So the kids and I left the group and headed to the car.
All in all the kids weren't very disappointed. Li didn't really want to get soaked in the cold rain and Jo said her nose was getting cold. So that gave me time to think of something to do instead. And pie was the first thing that came to mind. We stopped at a small mom and pop style restaurant.
And we had pie all around...Let's see black bar pecan for Jo.
Peanut butter for me, always peanut butter for me.
Li had chocolate.
And Ceesa had apple with crumb topping!
So not so bad for a rainy, hail ruined day/ change of plans. :)
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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