Grade A milk is used for milk and Grade B is used for cheeses...
Girls need a big dog...
and maybe a calf...
Organic milk cows must be grass fed 120 days out of the year...
If an organic cow is given antibiodics one time, ever, they are no longer organic and can't be milked and sold for organic...
If cows get sick, they can be given a garlic medications...
It's easier to seperate a calf from its momma before it nurses, so that it will take the bottle easier...
All little boys need a kitten to love...
My girls can milk cows...
A concoction of castor oil, lemon grass, citronella, orange, and cloves helps keep flies away (from cows any way)...
Organic means no poison for rats and mice, so there are lots of cats...
Ceesa even looks like a farm girl...
Calves are strong and serious about meal time...
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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