Saturday, September 27, 2014

Road Trip: Glass Museum

One of our favorite things to do is to go on road trips to find unique places close to home. We are within 30 minutes of 3 cities, so we have a lot of choices.

This week we visited a glass museum. It is a small, local museum. We were the only ones that visited that day according to the guest book. And Susan was most kind.

When we arrived we were meet with a water feature that included a glass basket.

And then down to the lower level of the museum to see a movie about the company's history. Our favorite part was the section that discussed colors.

In the early productions, there was a color called vasoline. And yes, it really looked like vaseline. 

There were some of the impletments from the factory to look at. There was even a mold that collectors have never found a piece from...maybe never used?

My favorite is Alexandrite. Which is the most expensive and sought after type. Go figure.

 This was a beautiful wedding set...

What a treasure!

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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