We Choose Virtues sent us their Parenting Cards ($38.49) and pdf downloads of their WCV Download Bundle ($7.99) that includes their Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book, Family Character Assessment, Teacher's Handbook, and Butterfly Awards for Kids designed for early childhood thorough elementary ages to review.
The Details
~Parenting Virtue Cards come in a set of 12 virtue cards and 1 introduction card. The front of each virtue card has "I am" and the name of the virtue, a picture of the featured "Virtue Kid," the Virtue catchphrase, antonyms for the Virtue, and a Bible memory verse.
The back has a Virtue User Challenge, the virtue with a bit of inspiration, What to say after "I'm sorry," Teachable moments, and a story from the mascot. Why is that…do you think? is added to the end of the all of the Kids of VirtueVille stories.
The introduction card gives teaching tips, gives ideas for demonstrations, and tells about the icons of VirtueVille.
~A Family Character Assessment form is designed to be completed for each person in the family at the beginning to determine where an individual's character is before practice and to establish goals for motivation.
~Kids of VirtueVille coloring book has pictures of each child that is the mascot for the virtue, the virtue's name, and the child mascot's name. At the end of the book there are 3 puzzle type games.
~The Teacher’s Handbook is written for teachers in a school environment. Steps are presented for the leader to implement the virtue: Expect Excellence, Explain with Enthusiasm, Emphasize Everyday, and Examine Everything. Explanations for how to use the 9 tools in the program are provided as well.
*Sing Along lyrics accompany the virtues. There is a song that goes along with each virtue. The songs are set to the tune of common songs like “When the Saints go Marching in” and “BINGO."
The Virtues
Wondering about which virtues are included? The twelve virtues include: content, attentive, diligent, obedient, patient, helpful, honest, forgiving, self-controlled, kind, perseverant, and gentle.
Additional Materials Required
There are activities on the back of every card. You can choose to do them or not. Most of them are with everyday items that you would already have around the house.
For example, the "I am Honest" card tells you to hold up an object (any object) and describe it for one of the activities.
Time Frame
Each day took about10-15 minutes with a parent (Momma or Poppa) leading the discussion and then completing the activities with the children.
How we used the set
On Day 1, we started by looking at the front of the card. Then I would read the Kids of VirtueVille story. We would sing the song and then I would tell them the Virtue User Challenge (challenge of the day).
On Days 2-4, I held up the card again. We would read the scripture and sing the song. Then I would choose an activity from the card or we would do the coloring page. Afterwards we would discuss the activity and how we did with the challenge from the day before. Then I would tell them to repeat the challenge of the day, keeping it similar or making it more challenging.
On Day 5, I held up the card again. We would read the scripture and sing the song. Then we would discuss how the week went with our challenges.
Some of the "Teachable Moments" that we Tried
From "I am Gentle," Ceesa and Wheel practicing how to handle a baby with quiet voices and soft hands.
From " I am Content," Jo-Jo helps to pack up some things to give away.
From "I am Patient," Li waits for his candy so that he can be rewarded with two.
From "I am Obedient," Jo-Jo whispers instructions, so we could guess.
From "I am Attentive," Jo-Jo reads the instructions to us from one of our games.
What I Think
I was skeptical at first. How could cards help someone to develop a virtue? But I was wrong. The kids were eager to read each new card and try to work on that virtue. Even as the weeks passed, they worked on previous virtues. One morning, I got toast and eggs served to me from my sweet Ceesa without asking.
If I was a betting woman, I would put my money on the fact that the program gives parents some direction and focus. Sometimes it is hard to know exactly what to say to address a certain virtue. Each card provides encouragement for the parent.
Also the repetition throughout the week would be another factor. The kids know the characters. They know what they are working toward. With continual practice, those virtues become a habit. Eventually, the virtue becomes second nature.
What the Kids Said
"We're being so virtuous!"~Jo-JoWhile holding the Attentive card and pointing to the front, Li says, "Attention to your Momma."
What the Kids Liked
The kids really liked the challenges. The first virtue that really motivated them was choose 5 ways to be helpful without being asked.
I have also noticed that they spend lots of time talking about the characters.
What they Learned
Ceesa says, "It feels good to be helpful. I think the kids of VirtueVille are funny. It was difficult to be diligent, especially when you have a sore throat when you have to eat."
Jo-Jo says, "It is hard to be diligent, but it is good because when you get finished, then you can play."
I found repeating the catch phrase when the kids needed reminding or before I asked them to do something that would require the virtue helped them focus on the virtue throughout the day.
There is a We Choose Virtues pinterest board with lots of additional ideas.
To help the virtues become a habit, we'll use the ones that are issues for us in a rotation.
An Aside
They can be purchased using NIrV or KJV. There is a teacher version designed for large groups as well.
They are currently offering two discounts (one valid per order) on some of their VirtueVille products...
~MAY-JUNE: Promo Code BIG50 for 50% off the set of 12 11x17 Kids of VirtueVille Posters.
~JUNE-AUGUST: Promo Code BTS20 for 20% off anything in the WCV Store.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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Loved your review on the cards! I think it's great that you were able to do so many of the activities! It's harder to do that with just one kid big enough. But we still enjoyed our cards...
I love your point about how the same virtues your son needed to work in where the ones you needed too! I've found that so very often is the case. Maybe our kids are a reflection of us? That may be too deep for a blog comment. :)
I loved your review! It was so fun to see your family using the virtues! Thank you, Bethany
I'm so glad that our family's experience pleased you. We are going to work on them again come September when we start school. The kids really enjoy them. :)
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