Memoria Press sent us Latina Christiana I Complete Set ($98.90) from the Classical Trivium Core Series to review. It is designed for beginning Latin learners of all ages and recommended for grades 3 and up. The set is available in individual pieces and as a smaller set as well.
First Thoughts
When I told Ceesa that we would be reviewing Latina Christiana, she jumped up and down. We have previously reviewed Prima Latina, so she already knew about Memoria Press' Latin products. Then when the set came in the mail, there was more jumping.
What's Included in the Complete Set
~Latina Christiana: Introduction to Latin Student Book has 25 lessons and 5 review lessons. It includes a Latin saying, 10 vocabulary words per lesson with corresponding English derivatives, grammar form for each lesson, and exercises. Some of the exercises include: translation, grammar, endings, derivatives, fill in the blank, conjugation, subjects, roots, declensions, genitive forms, and meanings. There are maps (Ancient Italy and Roman Empire), 86 history questions, words and translations of a prayer, a blessing, and hymns. It is a soft cover book.
~Latina Christiana: Introduction to Latin Teacher Manual contains a grammar overview, student goals, general teaching guidelines, reproducibles (vocabulary drill, maps, tests, quizzes, and keys), a list of resources, a history guide and chart, maps (both filled in and blank copies), a complete copy of the Student Book with overlaid answers, detailed weekly lesson plans, and recitation schedule. This is a soft cover spiral bound book.
~Latina Christiana: Introduction to Latin Pronunciation CD has the verbal pronunciation for each lesson and includes prayers and songs.
~Latina Christiana: Introduction to Latin Instructional DVDs come in a 5 disc set providing a total of 18 hours. The lessons are taught by Leigh Lowe and cover each new grammar lesson, recitation, review, vocabulary practice, and derivative explanation. There are on-screen notes, illustrations, diagrams, and additional examples used as teaching aides.
~Latina Christiana: Introduction to Latin Flashcards have the vocabulary word on one side with the English pronunciations on the other. Conjugations and declensions are included. They are made of a glossy firm card stock like paper.
~Extras: Slides are available on the website.
Conjugations, irregular verbs, declensions, subjects, subject/verb agreement, adjectives, tenses, verb and noun forms are covered. A detailed table of contents is available to check out what is covered.
Additional Materials Required
We needed a DVD player, television, and pencils.
Time Frame
The DVD lessons run about 35-40 minutes. We split these between two days and worked on the worksheets on separate days. So Ceesa spent about 15-20 minutes every day.
Our Experience and What I like
I especially like that the DVD's lend themselves to a self-instructive format. Ceesa would watch a lesson and follow along with her text. Then she would work in her student book, listen to the audio cd, and practice her flashcards all on her own. Then I would look over what she completed.
I have never studied Latin and working with the program in this way makes it easy for her to get instruction that I can trust. What is great about this program is that it lends itself to being taught by the novice and the expert.
What Ceesa has to say
"I like the DVDs. It is fun to watch Miss Lowe teaching on the television. It is nice to have a teacher right there in my house on the TV."
What she has Learned
"I learned how to tell word endings apart for I, he, she, it, we, you (plural and singular), and they. So if you want to say, 'You (plural) walk' would say, 'ambulatis.' "
Li's Participation
We have not officially started school yet with Li, but that didn't stop him from listening along with the Latin CD. His favorite song is Dona Nobis Pacem. He'll run from the other room to sing it with Ceesa when she puts it on.
Sharing with Family
My sister's family says the Benedic Domine in English as their table blessing with an added verse at the end. Ceesa was just too excited to say it in Latin for them after she memorized it.
When Ceesa finishes Latina Christiana, she'll be moving on to First Form. And when Jo-Jo is ready to start Latin, we'll begin Prima Latina.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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