On the first day of spring. we set up our nature table. There were lots of surprises for Easter: natural egg dyeing, corsages, resurrection cookies, and the most beautiful eggs salad. For Ascension, we flew kites, played parachutes, watched a winged visitor, did some sky watching. And made tissue paper flowers for Pentecost.
During the summer, we did our bucket list: camping, VBS, Children's Garden, Waterfall, Creeking, Hiking, Gardening, Arboretum, Sunset, Swimming, Fireflies, Evenings on the Deck, Star Gazing, Sidewalk Chalk, Fourth of July fireworks, art projects, experiments, Father's Day picnic, and hot dogs over the fire with s'mores or fry pies.
On the Autumnal Equinox, we set up our nature table. For Michaelmas, we read revelations 12: 7-9 and flew kites. And for Thanksgiving, we had the traditional feast AND our annual cornucopia of thanks.
We learned about Gyspy Rover, impressionist arts, birds, Latin, ice cream, plastics, Queen Anne's Lace, Spanish, oak trees, hymns, lady bugs, post-impressionist artists, weather, mold, vikings, William the Conqueror, missionaries, cuttlefish, Haydn, bees, opera, Bach, Cattails, Debussy, Scarborough Fair, and goldenrod.
We made were busy with projects...form art, robotics, chalk pastels, painting, circuits, dissections, experiments, portrait drawing, art techniques: depth, overlapping, shape, line, rhythm, form, shading, balance, line, silhouette, outline, negative space, and value, quilting, pointillism, doll clothes, clay, fairy garden, play house remodeling, reused materials, microscopes, scientific method, condensation, quilling, bones, and air pressure.
We had our first year of working with the TOS review crew. We reviewed some great products. We had a blast, learning in new ways together with new items. We are still using so many of the review pieces: Adventus, Math Mammoth, Math Rider, Rosie's Doll Clothes, Spanish for You!, Song School Spanish, Institute for Excellence in Writing, and Supercharged Science.
So much, our days so full!
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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I could see the joy in each and every post last year.
Thanks Phyllis. I'm so glad!
What beautiful pictures of a full and satisfying year!
It is nice to look back over all of those memores.
What a great year! Thanks for sharing!!
We did have a great year.
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