

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Painting Pumpkins

This week we stopped at a farmer's market.
The kids love to take spending money and buy something special.

I didn't have my camera, silly Momma!, but we saw a woolly bear caterpillar (spied by Little man), a golden lab, and a snake.

So in our sacks we left with kettle corn, corn puffs, apples, suckers, and a pumpkin. We tried a picnic, but the October bees would not allow it. We brought our treats home and had a snack there.

Ceesa decided we should have a painting project with the pumpkin.

Look at my sweet Ceesa. 
Little Man decided he wanted to  paint the entire thing, 
so she let him

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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  1. What a beautiful pumpkin! Little man did an excellent job with it. What will you do with it now?

  2. It is sitting on the counter. I suppose it will be there until it rots. :)


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