Sometimes homeschooling is hectic, but I've found that making sure Poppa and I have special moments together make all of the difference.
Here are some ideas I've found to be so helpful:
- give lots of hugs and kisses when he walks in the door
- have a little candlelight and music
- walk under the stars
- have coffee or tea and dessert
- make him a favorite treat to eat
- write love notes
- enjoy a sunset together
- go out for a romantic dinner or make one at home
- read a story together
- watch a movie after the kids have gone off to bed
- ask how his day was
- read our Bibles together
- pray together everyday
- give him a foot or neck rub
- have the kids surprise him with cards or banners
- meet out with the kids at a park, library, for dinner or a movie after work
- take him lunch at work and have a picnic there
- kids plan a special show (music, drama, etc.)
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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What a lovely list and suggestions! Thanks for sharing!
Wishing you a blessed day.
One has to be reminded not to take ones husband for granted, and its also good to be reminded you shouldn't leave it all up to him!
Thanks for this.
Thanks! I'd love to hear more, too!
We don't get away often, just we have to be creative!
Creative is always fun!
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