Saturday, August 03, 2013

And Now the Playhouse

This was the inside of the playhouse,
oh without the toys thrown in.

Poppa built it 2 springs ago
and we decided it was time to finish the inside.
Mostly because the nails were poking through
the plywood.

Poppa worked to hang up the walls.

The girls painted some lovely art work.

Bird houses Jo-Jo received for her birthday.

Some hand-me-down tables
and a sign made by a dear friend.

Momma's handmade curtains,
which aren't perfect,

but they do look lovely in the window.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,


Mary said...

It is adorable!

Bethany said...

Thanks! The girls thought so too! They spent the entire next day playing in it. :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely playhouse. Those birdhouses are adorable... and the curtains. Such a lovely family project.

Wishing you an amazing weekend.

MrsYub said...

Wow! I love it! I hope they keep it clean and beautiful :)
We have a play house, but it gets filled with spiderwebs and dirt overnight, practically :S

Bethany said...

It was a great way for our whole family to get involved. Poppa is home for a couple of months in the summer and we squeeze every bit we can into it!

Bethany said...

It's the floor that gets dirty. There aren't too many spiders.

MrsYub said...

Lucky you! We get so many webs :S

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