Cooking things ahead is key to great meals on a camping trip. Try pre-cooking sauces and meats, freeze them in baggies that you can stack flat for optimal room. Some can stay frozen in the little freezer and others can defrost in the fridge so that you can use them first.
Take as much canned and dry food as you can. Make batches of pancake mix, muffin mix, or biscuit mix with everything but the water. A stash of veggies that are canned make excellent add-ins to mix with your cooked meats for a casserole. Mix up some biscuit mix to top your casserole.
Take your crock pot. If you will be at one site for several days, you can put a frozen lasagna in the crock and let it cook all day.
Make doughs ahead. You can make pizza dough ahead to refrigerate and pull out before you want to bake it. You can also make ahead a cookie dough and make the whole camper smell lovely with a batch of cookies.
Fresh fruits and vegetables from roadside stands make terrific sides. Corn can be grilled and there is nothing like juicy watermelon dripping down your chin on a hot day!
For over the fire, you can make bacon and eggs in a skillet. Or you can make packets with meat and veggies in foil to cook in the coals.
A lot of spots have grills and grilling is a great option. Burgers, steaks, chicken, pork, and loads of sides can be grilled. Peaches are terrific warmed, too.
Simple granola and cereals can fill in for breakfast when it is time to hit the road.
Always remember to pack lots of water and drinks, too! And don't forget the salt and pepper or your can opener!
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
I can't wait to start camping again this summer. Thanks for the tips!!
I know we are so excited, too. Every year we do a little more work on the camper.
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