We used the fourth grade math homeschool edition. The fourth grade component would be especially helpful for those children that are auditory learners, have a high endurance for learning mathematics, are at a fourth grade level in math, and enjoy working on the computer.
When you first start using the computer, I would suggest you click on the tabs to see what is located in each section and watch one of the multimedia lessons. There are printable worksheets and solution guides, exams and solution guides, individual lessons in the curriculum book, and reference sheets. There are online worksheets, exams, multimedia lessons with a presentation and an Interactive Q&A with most lessons. The multimedia lessons are read to the student and there are animated movements during the lesson. (There is a tutorial that you can watch as well.) There is an option in the student section to have online worksheets regenerated, which I especially like.
Ceesa’s favorite part is the Interactive Q&A. In fact, after she played her first one, she decided she really liked the program. The Interactive Q&A is part of the multimedia lesson.
Some things that I would like to see added to the function of the program would be:
- an un-timed pre-test for each overall section within the grade level
- a placement test or pre-test that is interactive with the program
- an option to combine online and offline scores into one average
- strategies for solving problems (i.e. area models, rectangular arrays, base ten, visual fraction models, 2-column tables for recording)
I learned something while doing this program that I had never considered before. While homeschooling, we work with the kids where they are individually. It is a blessing of this life that we have chosen. So for Ceesa that means I can give her high school level reading materials (I generally don’t) and we can work on third grade math. Being able to work with your child where he is sometimes can be discouraging when he appears to be a grade level behind. BUT looking at Ceesa's work…she is making a B average in her actual grade level. That is pretty good.
For the review period, we worked within all components. But for the future, we will use this program over the course of a week in this way: We will print out the lesson that she’s working on from the curriculum book. She will read over it and narrate it (probably recording herself to watch in the days afterwards). Once I’m sure she understands the material, we will practice on the printable worksheet. Then we will play the game from the Interactive Q&A. I will also have her model the concept with some kind of manipulative and give her some kind of problem of the day that goes along with the study.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
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This sounds like an interesting program. Great review!