Friday, October 19, 2012

Autumn Cattail Study

Cattails are really pretty neat.
We just finished up a fall study on them.
We'll be taking several trips back to our cattail
patch (?) each season to see what's happening.

We followed Barb's study:
Cattail Autumn Study at the Handbook of Nature Study Blog.
I read pages 500-503 in the Handbook of Nature Study
and the section on cattails in Discover Nature in Water and Wetlands.
Barb has a Cattail Seasonal Nature Study notebook page that we used to record our findings.
I had a spot
in mind, but was very surprised to find other areas where they grew that I never noticed before. We tried to find other living creatures, but there was not much to find. I imagine if the light had been right, we would have at least found spider webs and old nests.
We brought back a leaf and a cattail.
The cattail was a bit of an adventure,
as the tail (seeds) were coming off in puffs.
There were more than a few floating around the car.
When we got them home, we cut into the stem. Then we put it under the microscope and recorded a picture in our notebooks.
Then we put a seed under and drew it as well. 
Wishing you homeschool blessings,


Barb said...

Looks like a great beginning to your study...cattails are interesting things to adults and children too. We had one explode in the house once and it was a big mess...seeds flew everywhere.

Thanks for sharing your entry with the OHC.

Bethany said...

Oh my! I didn't know they could explode! Thanks for the warning. :)

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

We studies cat-tails one time, too, and they were interesting! Apparently I had never really examined or played with one in all my growing-up years, so I learned just as much as my girls.

Bethany said...

I find that I am always learning from them!

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