Sunday, September 09, 2012

Indian Mounds and an Activist

We just finished our first week of school.
We all had colds nearly the entire week,
but my, we had a great first week anyway.

On Friday, we took a trip to an Indian Mound
within 30 miles of our home.

I had no idea where a simple trip would take us.
I had no hidden agenda, no assignments
planned, no reports to be given.

We just went to learn and enjoy our time together.

We explored the mounds...

Then it was to the visitor's center to learn more...
Little Man was concerned about the
bear climbing on the man's back. :) 
Raised Mound Map 
 Believed map of the area when mounds were built
about 2,000 years ago
I had never seen such a beautiful arrow head.
The flint is rose colored.

Then to visit an old friend...

Luckily, our picnic tree wasn't destroyed
in the freak storms we've had.

Then it was time to head home.
Well, almost.

First, we decided to drive past where the other
section of mounds is located. Somehow it has been
leased to a golf course. This seems...well...not
quite right to me. It makes my eyebrows furrow and
it makes me shake my head and wonder.

But Ceesa, she was angry. We could only look at
the mounds from the road, but we could see sand traps,
asphalt paths, and places where the mounds have
been worn down. A place that should be preserved
being used so made my dear child furious.

Her first words were... "I'm going to fight this. I'm going
to fight it and fight it until it is restored. I shake my fist at you."

I'm so proud of that fireball. Injustice has not gone
unnoticed by my dear child. So we are becoming
activists. We are writing letters and contacting
our local politicians. We are taking a stand for a
people that have long gone. We are taking a stand
for the preservation of history.

We are learning how government works,
how to form persuasive letters,
and building more character than I
could have imagined.

What if I had gone with a plan for the day?
A desired outcome?
Would we have missed what was important?

Wishing you homeschool blessings,


Phyllis said...

I find days like this, too. Sometimes you just have to let go and let the learning happen. Thanks for linking up to the History and Geography Meme!

Ticia said...

I love field trips like this. They're so much fun!

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