

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Joyful Moments: Marble Launcher

Join us for Joyful Moments linky party at Little Homeschool Blessings.

This week we've found joy here...

What brings joy to you and yours? We’d be honored to share in it.
Joyful Moments are at the heart of our homeschool.
We'd love to see the Joyful Moments in your home. Whether you homeschool or not, feel free to join in every Thursday! Then visit the other links and see Joyful Moments from other places! Just add our button and link up in the comments.


  1. Our moment is here...

  2. Wow! What a great week, so much joy to be found! I love the picture of you at the top by the bridge.


We love hearing from you! Your comments make us smile. Thanks for coming by!