

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lobster Hand and Foot Prints

One of our rainy day summer projects
has been to make lobster hand and foot prints.

We decided to mix our paint together.
So we used orange and red tempra paint.
We didn't stir the paint, just dumped it in.

Then we dipped in the little hands
and put them on hard card stock like paper.

Ditto with the foot.

After we cleaned the feet and hands,
we took a paint brush and drew in our details.

Finally, we drew on a smile and attached google eyes.

Wishing you homeschool blessings,


  1. So, so cute!! My kids hate the feel of paint. They won't fingerpaint and I can't get them to do handprint/footprint anything. You will be so glad you did these in the future, to remember how small and cute they were.

    1. It's so funny to see the different sizes from my oldest to youngest.


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