

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Marco Polo Study: Venice-The Queen of the Adriatic

Venice, Italy

In Marco Polo's day, Venice was a major trading spot of spices, textiles, and other luxuries, being in a central location of the Mediterranean Sea. For Marco, leaving Venice meant perilous conditions, sickness, war, piracy, and more. The opportunities for the Venetian merchant must have weighed heavily in a decision to leave.

Venice was a place for artists during the Renaissance. Ceramists, architects, glass workers, woodworkers, lace makers, and sculptors found a good living there.
Transfiguration of Christ,1487 by Giovanni Bellini

Venice has lots of waterways. The largest is called the grand canal in the shape of an S.

Boats and Gondolas are the main mode of transportation.

Marco Polo's House is still standing in Venice.

St. Mark's Church-believed to be the location of Mark's remains.

A Poem for Two Voices:
Venice by A. G. H.

Venice is               Venice is
a beautiful
place                     place
with                       many
canals.                   canals.
There                    There
of                          of
boats.                    boats
Venice!                 Venice!

Questions to Consider
What do you notice about the location of Venice?
Can you tell why a lot of merchants came from Venice?

We read  Marco Polo: A Story of the Middle Ages Ch. 2.

Painting of Marco Polo leaving Venice, 1430

See our References for more information.
I am working on a year long series on the Polo family travels and thought I'd share it with you. Enjoy and please post any additional information you have for us or corrections.

Previously: The Silk Road and Spice Trade        Next Up: Israel

Wishing you homeschool blessings,

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