To keep the British King and Queens organized, we've created a timeline.

We've printed this timeline in black and white and attached the pictures to index cards.
We've printed this timeline in black and white and attached the pictures to index cards.
Each card is color coded
black for bad kings,
purple for good,
and green for neither really good or bad.
On the back of each card is the corresponding page
in Our Island Story or information that I want my kiddos to know.
If you are interested in family history, this site has a wonderful, interactive Family Tree from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II.
This book is one we read when we talk about the individual cards. It has wonderful little poems about the events and character of the British royalty.
You can read more about how we study the Kings and Queens of Britain here.
Wishing you homeschool blessings,
My name is Monica. I just found your blog and was wondering if you could tell me how you were able to print out the timeline pictures in black and white? My email address is
Thank you so much!!
We printed ours from a printer that only prints in black and white.
However, if you go the site and choose which kings and queens you want, you should be able to change how it prints in the printer box.
To get to my printer box, I go to the web page I want to print and click on file, then the print button. When the printer box pulls up, I click the preferences rectangle. Then I go to paper/quality. I have the option of black and white or color there. Click black and white and then print as usual.
I hope this works for you!
Bethany, your link ( just went to a blank page. . .
I checked it just now and it was working. I think it ought to work for you!
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